Import API

The Relativity Import API provides functionality for programmatically importing large numbers of documents, images, and Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) into a Relativity workspace. It facilitates the development of custom import utilities by providing methods for retrieving production sets, workspace fields, and performing other tasks. The Import API also supports the same settings for importing documents and images that are available through the Relativity Desktop Client (RDC).

This page contains the following information:

See these related pages:

Import API compatibility matrix

For the Import API, the following table lists compatible versions of the Relativity.DataExchange.Client.SDK package and Relativity. You can find package information at Relativity.DataExchange.Client.SDK on the NuGet site.

SDK package version 10.3
1.5.0 ü ü ü ü ü

Note: The Relativity.Import.Client package has been deprecated, and any existing projects must be migrated to the Relativity.DataExchange.Client.SDK package. Your custom applications will fail if you don't migrate them to this package. For more information, see Import API migration.