Re-production Job Manager (REST)

A re-production job provides you with the ability to select specific documents from a completed production job and re-run them. After a re-production job finishes running, the modified documents are merged into the original production set. These documents overwrite those that were previously produced. For general information, see Re-production on the RelativityServer 2022 Documentation site.

The Re-production Job Manager service provides the following functionality:

  • Creating re-production jobs
  • Retrieving re-production job IDs
  • Retrieving re-production job statuses

You can also use the Re-production Job Manager service through .NET. For more information, see Re-production Job Manager (.NET).

See these related pages:

Guidelines for productions in REST

Review the following guidelines for working with this service.


The URLs for REST endpoints contain path parameters that you need to set before making a call:

  • Set the {versionNumber} placeholder to the version of the REST API that you want to use, using the format lowercase v and the version number, for example v1 or v2
  • Set other path parameters in the URLs to the Artifact ID of a given entity, for example setting {workspaceID} to the Artifact ID of a workspace.
  • Note: To indicate the admin-level context, set the {workspaceID} path parameter to -1.

The following example illustrates how to set the path parameters when deleting a data source, but the same convention applies to all URLs in the Production APIs:


Set the path parameters as follows:

  • {versionNumber} to the version of the API, such as v1.
  • {WorkspaceID} to the Artifact ID of the workspace that contains the data source.
  • {DataSourceID} to the Artifact ID of a specific data source.

Create a re-production job

You can create a re-production job based on a list of document IDs or a mass operation token. For additional guidelines, see Re-production Job Manager (.NET).

  • This endpoint doesn't run re-production jobs. To run these jobs, use the stage and run endpoint or the mass stage and run endpoint. See Production Manager (REST).
  • To use these endpoints, you must have the document view permission, and the production view, edit, and add permissions.

Use document IDs to create a job

To create a re-production job using document IDs, send a POST request with a URL in the following format:


Use a mass operation token to create a job

To create a reproduction job with a mass operation token, send a POST request with a URL in the following format:


The response for a create operation with a mass operation token contains the same fields as those returned when using document IDs. See the field descriptions for the response in Use document IDs to create a job.

Retrieve re-production job IDs

To retrieve the re-production job IDs in a workspace, send a GET request with a URL in the following format:


The request body is empty.

Note: You must have view permissions for productions to retrieve re-production job IDs.

The response contains an array of integers representing job IDs.


Retrieve the status for a re-production job

You can retrieve the status for a re-production job. For example, you might use this endpoint to determine whether a job has completed after creating and running it.

Send a GET request with a URL in the following format:


The request body is empty.

The response contains ReproductionStatusResult object, which includes the following fields:

  • Errors - an array of strings providing error messages if the job or associated production sets weren't created.
  • Messages - an array of strings providing additional information about the job.
  • Warnings - an array of strings providing warnings about the job.
  • ReproductionStatus - current re-production status.

  • ProductionStatusResults - an array of ProductionStatusResult objects containing the following fields:
    • ArtifactID - the Artifact ID of the production.
    • Status - the status of the production, such as New, Staging, Branding and others. See the ProductionStatus enumeration.
    "Errors": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": [],
    "ReproductionStatus": "Created",
    "ProductionStatusResults": [
            "ArtifactID": 1054586,
            "Status": "New"
            "ArtifactID": 1054588,
            "Status": "New"