Production Queue Manager (.NET)

The Production Queue contains all production jobs currently running in your Relativity environment. For general information, see Production Queue on the Relativity Documentation site.

The Production Queue Manager API exposes methods used to cancel a single or multiple production jobs, to retry multiple jobs, or to set the priority for them. You can identify the jobs for canceling or retrying by mass operation token or Artifact ID.

You can also use the Production Queue Manager API through REST. For more information, see Production Queue Manager (REST).

See these related pages:

The Relativity.Productions.Client contains this API. For compatibility and package installation instructions, see Download the SDKs and NuGet packages.

Fundamentals for the Production Queue Manager API

The Production Queue Manager API contains the following methods and classes.

Cancel a production job

Use the CancelJobAsync() method to cancel a single production job. Pass a ProductionJobRef object with the following properties to this method:

  • WorkspaceID - the Artifact ID of the workspace containing the production job.
  • ProductionID - the Artifact ID of the production.

Cancel production jobs by mass operation token

Use the MassCancelAsync() method to cancel a collection of production jobs by using mass operation token. This token is a GUID that represents the collection of jobs.

Cancel production jobs by ID

Use the MassCancelProductionJobsAsync() method to cancel multiple production jobs by production ID. Pass a list of ProductionJobRef objects with the following properties to this method:

  • WorkspaceID - the Artifact ID of the workspace containing the production job.
  • ProductionID - the Artifact ID of the production.

Set the priority on production jobs

Use the MassPrioritizeAsync() method to set the priority on a collection of production jobs in the queue by using a mass operation token. This token is a GUID that represents the collection of jobs.

Pass the following arguments to this method:

  • databaseToken - a GUID representing a collection of production jobs in the queue.
  • priority - an integer value representing the new priority to assign to the jobs.

Retry production jobs by mass operation token

Use the MassRetryAsync() method to rerun multiple production jobs by using a mass operation token. This token is a GUID that represents the collection of jobs.

Pass a GUID representing a collection of production jobs that you want to retry to this method.

Retry production jobs by ID

Use the RetryProductionJobsAsync() method to rerun multiple production jobs by ID. Pass a list of ProductionJobRef objects with the following properties to this method:

  • WorkspaceID - the Artifact ID of the workspace containing the production job.
  • ProductionID - the Artifact ID of the production job.