Processing Custodian Manager
This topic describes the IProcessingCustodianManager interface, which is used to access the Processing Custodian Manager service. The Processing Custodian Manager service supports read and save operations on custodian objects. The ProcessingCustodian class represents a custodian associated with the files that you want to process. For more information, see Entity object on the Relativity Documentation site.
Create a processing custodian
- Method
- CreateAsync: Creates a custodian and returns the artifact id of the custodian.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID : The workspace that the custodian resides in.
- custodian: The custodian to be saved. This is a ProcessingCustodian object.
- Returns
- <int>CustodianId: The artifactID of the custodian that is created.
Read a processing custodian
Read the values for the properties on a ProcessingCustodian object by calling the ReadAsync() method on the proxy created with IProcessingCustodianManager interface. The ReadAsync() method requires that you pass the Artifact IDs of the ProcessingCustodian object and the workspace as arguments.
- Method
- CreateAsync: Creates a custodian and returns the artifact id of the custodian.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID : The workspace that the custodian resides in.
- <int>custodianID: artifactID of the custodian you want to read.
- Returns
- ProcessingCustodian object
- <List<int>>Classifications: The Custodian classifications
- <string>DocumentNumberPrefix
- <string>FirstName
- <string>LastName
- <string>Notes
- <enum>CustodianType: NotSet, Other, or Person
- <int>CustodianID: custodian artifact ID
- <string>Name: corresponds to FullName
- ProcessingCustodian object
Update a processing custodian
When updating a processing custodian, call the ReadAsync() method on the proxy created with the IProcessingCustodianManager interface. Next, set the properties on the instance to their new values, and then call the UpdateAsync() method to commit your updates.
- Method
- UpdateAsync: Updates the Custodian object and returns the artifact id of the custodian.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID : The workspace that the custodian resides in.
- <int>custodianID: artifactID of the custodian you want to update.
- custodian: The custodian to be updated. This is a ProcessingCustodian object.
- Returns
- <int>CustodianId: The artifactID of the custodian that is updated.