Short Message Viewer Manager (.NET)

In Relativity, the Short Message Viewer displays messages sent through SMS such as iMessage and instant messenger services such as Skype Messenger, Slack, and others. For more information, see Short Message Viewer on the Relativity Documentation site.

The Short Message Viewer Manager API exposes methods for retrieving the JSON, attachments, and participant information for short messages. It also provides methods for validating the Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF).

You can also use the Short Message Viewer Manager API through REST. For more information, see Short Message Viewer Manager (REST).

The Relativity.DocumentViewer.SDK contains this API. For compatibility and package installation instructions, see Download the SDKs and NuGet packages.

Fundamentals for the Short Message Viewer Manager API

Review the following information to learn about the methods and classes used by the Short Message Viewer Manager API.

Retrieve the JSON for a short message

Use the GetMessageJson() method to retrieve a JSON manifest representation of a short message document.

Pass the following arguments to this method:

  • workspaceID - the Artifact ID of a workspace containing a short message document.
  • documentID - the Artifact ID of a short message document.

Retrieve attachment information for a short message

Use the GetAttachmentInfo() method to retrieve information about the attachments contained in a short message document.

Pass the following arguments to this method:

  • workspaceID - the Artifact ID of a workspace containing a short message document.
  • documentID - the Artifact ID of a short message document.
  • attachmentIDs - a string array containing the IDs for attachments.

This method returns a AttachmentInfo object.

Retrieve entity information for a participant in a short message document

Use the GetParticipantInfo() method to retrieve entity information for a participant in a short message document. An Entity object links people, companies, organizational groups, and their metadata. For more information, see Entity object on the Relativity Documentation site.

Pass the following arguments to this method:

  • workspaceID - the Artifact ID of a workspace containing a short message document.
  • participantRequests - an array of ParticipantRequestInfo objects. A ParticipantRequest object contains the name, email address and ID of a participant in Short Message Viewer conversation.

This method returns a ParticipantResponseInfo object, which contains the name of the Entity object associated with the participant, any aliases for this object, and other information.

Validate the RSMF for a file or document

Use the overloaded ValidateRSMF() method to verify whether a specific file or document has a valid RSMF. For more information, see Relativity Short Message Format on the Relativity Documentation site.

Validate the RSMF for a file

To validate the RSMF for a file, pass the following arguments to the ValidateRSMF() method:

  • fileName - a string representing the file name of a specific short message document for validation.
  • file - a IKeplerStream object representing the file being validated.

This method returns a RSMFValidationResponse object.

Validate the RSMF for a document

To validate the RSMF for a document, pass the following arguments to the ValidateRSMF() method:

  • workspaceID - the Artifact ID of a workspace containing a short message document.
  • documentID - the Artifact ID of a short message document.