Persistent Highlight Service (.NET)

In Relativity, you use persistent highlight sets to configure and apply term highlighting as part of the document review process in the viewer. You can identity terms in a document to highlight and then configure the color used to highlight them. You can also apply multiple highlights set to a single document. For more information, see Persistent highlight sets.

The Persistent Highlight Service API provides the following functionality for programmatically working with these sets:

  • Retrieve information about the persistent highlight sets and terms used in a specific document or workspace.
  • Set terms or highlight sets as active or inactive.
  • Add new terms to a persistent highlight set.

As a sample use case, you might create a custom viewer that displays and reads persistent highlight sets and terms.

In addition, you can use the Persistent Highlight Service API through the REST API. For more information, see Persistent Highlight Service (REST).

The Relativity.DocumentViewer.SDK contains this API. For compatibility and package installation instructions, see Download the SDKs and NuGet packages.

Fundamentals for the Persistent Highlight Service API

Review the following information to learn about the methods, classes, and enumerations used by the Persistent Highlight Service API.

Retrieve persistent highlight sets

Use the GetPersistentHighlightSets() method to retrieve persistent highlight sets. This overloaded method retrieves highlight sets in a specific workspace or for a specific document based on the arguments that you pass to it:

  • Highlights for a specific workspace: GetPersistentHighlightSets(int workspaceID).
  • Highlights for a specific document: GetPersistentHighlightSets(int workspaceID, int documentID).

Change the state of a persistent highlight set

Use the SavePersistentHighlightSetState() method to change the state of a persistent highlight set or make the terms or set inactive.

Add new terms to a persistent highlight set

Use the AddPersistentHighlightTermsToSet() method to add new terms to a persistent highlight set.