Other APIs

The Relativity platform supports APIs that you can use to implement custom functionality and automate common workflows for your Relativity users. Review the descriptions of the following APIs to learn more about APIs available for programmatically interacting with Relativity features.

This page contains the following information:

Analytics Index Manager API

The Analytics Index Manager API supports programmatic interaction with analytics indexes. It allows you to create, read, update, and delete analytics indexes, and also build and populate indexes and monitor the status of index jobs.

You can automate the creation of Analytics indexes using the IIndexManager .NET interface . You can also use the Index Manager REST service for cross-platform and browser-based applications.

For more information, see Build Analytics indexes.

Audit APIs

The Audit APIs in .NET include methods that programmatically revert, retrieve, and search Relativity audit records stored in Data Grid. These services support interactions with both instance-level and workspace-level audit records. The following APIs provide methods for this functionality:

  • Audit Metrics API - includes a method for retrieving information about the number and size of the audits in a specific workspace.
  • Audit Revert API - includes methods for reverting document update actions. It provides endpoints for reverting a single action or list of actions, and for validating whether the revert operation can be performed on an action.
  • Audit Pivot API - includes methods for running pivot queries on audit data. It supports querying with group by and pivot on operations for object type, action, username, and timestamp fields.
  • Reviewer Statistics API - includes methods for retrieving information about reviewer actions, such as the number of action performed by a reviewer on a document, the usage time per review, a summary report of reviewer actions, and others.
  • Audit Query API - includes a method for querying on a specific audit record.
  • Audit Object Manager UI API - includes methods for querying on audit details to display in the Relativity UI, including filtering on the returned data.

Additionally, these new Audit services expose endpoints that support the same functionality through REST. For more information, see Audit APIs and Audit services in REST.

Document Viewer Services API

The Document Viewer Services API provides you with the ability to implement code for requesting the conversion of documents to viewer types supported by Relativity. Supported types include native, image, production, and transcript. The IDocumentViewerServiceManager interface contains the GetViewerContentKeyAsync() method that provides this functionality. In addition, you have the option to implement your custom code with .NET or through REST.

As a sample use case, you can use this API to create custom applications or workflows for converting documents and saving their locations in a cache. Your custom application can then retrieve these documents and display them in a user-friendly browser as required by your organization.

For more information, see Document Viewer Services APIand Document Viewer Services in REST.

Imaging API

The Imaging API provides functionality for programmatically executing imaging jobs in Relativity. It includes the imaging job service, which you can use to run, cancel, and retry imaging jobs. The Imaging API provides services for imaging profiles, imaging sets, and application field codes that support all CRUD operations. The imaging set service offers additional functionality used to hide and release images during a quality control review, while the native type service includes functionality for reading native file types supported by Relativity. It also exposes endpoints through REST that support the same functionality as available in .NET.

A sample use case for the Imaging API is the use of imaging services to automate a workflow for running imaging jobs rather than manually performing these tasks through the Relativity UI.

The Imaging API is available in the Relativity.Imaging.Services.Interfaces namespace. For more information, see Imaging API and Imaging API services for REST.

Production APIs

You can programmatically work with productions by using the Production APIs available for create, read and other operations, assigning markup sets and placeholders to documents, and performing CRUD operations on data sources. The functionality exposed through these .NET APIs is supported by endpoints through REST. The following list includes a brief description of each API:

You can find links to the class libraries for the Productions API on the Relativity API reference page.

Structured Analytics API

The Structured Analytics API supports automating workflows for analyzing structured analytics sets. It includes functionality for executing a full or incremental analysis of a structured analytics set, checking the status of the analysis, retrieving document and other errors, and performing additional tasks.

You can use the Structured Analytics API to automate the steps for executing jobs on structured analytics sets rather than manually running full or incremental jobs through the Relativity UI. You can also implement custom pages that display status information about the execution of a job on a structured analytics set or a list of document errors related to a job.

The IStructuredAnalyticsManager interface exposes the overloaded RunFullAsync(), RunIncrementalAsync(), GetErrorsAsync(), and other methods. These methods support progress and cancellation reporting. The Structured Analytics API also exposes endpoints through REST that provide similar functionality. For more information, see Get started with the Structured Analytics API.