
The top XML element in the Relativity script body.


  • script



     <!-- children -->            

Child elements

These child elements are the metadata XML tags used to populate the script information, such as name, version, category, etc. Enter any required properties directly into your XML script. If you don't give a value to the property, it displays blank.

Name Description
action the parent of all the attributes listed below. You can use this multiple times to pull back more than one data table from SQL.
category the is used to populate the description column of the script.
description the value is used to populate the description column of the script.
input defines the constants and fields, which are then submitted to the SQL action.
key a mechanism used to lock a script within Relativity.
name the value is used to name (and populate the Name column of) the script
display allows you to control how the script output will be rendered when the script is run.
version the value is used to track the internal script version.
security sets up the acl values that are pulled to be used as tokens in scripts.



     <action returns="table">