Swagger OpenAPI workflow
You can leverage the online Swagger editor to view JSON OpenAPI specification files that are provided with select Relativity nuget packages.
Note: Not all nuget packages currently have a JSON OpenAPI specification provided.
Using Swagger with an OpenAPI specification
We'll use the Relativity.Infrastructure.SDK nuget package in this tutorial as an example, but you can use any nuget package that comes with a JSON file.
- Download the Relativity.Infrastructure.SDK nuget package (see Relativity Server APIs, and then explore the package with 7zip (or other applicable tool).
- Locate the JSON file in the Content directory of the nuget package (e.g., Relativity.Infrastructure.SDK.4.1.0.nupkg\content\openapidoc{versionNumber}.json).
- Right click on the file using your extraction tool, and then extract the file to a convenient local directory. (e.g., select Copy To, and then select a new directory).
- Navigate to https://editor.swagger.io/.
- Import the JSON file by navigating to File > Import file, and select the file you extracted in step 3.
- Hide any errors by clicking the Hide button.