<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- Remove 'config' section if compiling for RelativityOne. -->
    <add key="globalPackagesFolder" value="%userprofile%\.nuget\packages-server" />
    <!-- Comment out the 'clear' element, or remove it, if other package sources are required.
	Ensure Relativity Server packages are restored first from the Relativity public feed. -->
    <clear />
	<!-- Use only one of the following public feeds depending on your geographic region. -->
    <add key="Relativity Server East US" value="https://relativitypackageseastus.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/nuget/v3/server-nuget-virtual" />
    <!--add key="Relativity Server West EU" value="https://relativitypackageswesteurope.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/nuget/v3/server-nuget-virtual" /-->
    <!-- Use only one of the following patterns depending on your geographic region. -->
    <packageSource key="Relativity Server East US">
      <package pattern="*" />
    <!--packageSource key="Relativity Server West EU">
      <package pattern="*" />