List Page Interaction Event Handler API

Note: Due to the migration of Relativity.ListPage to Relativity.Lists, you may need to migrate List Page Interaction Event Handlers that use a JavaScript code file to call the JavaScript APIs, to use the new file format and APIs. See this post in the developer group for more information.

The List Page Interaction Event Handler API consists of several JavaScript APIs used to customize the behavior and content of list pages in Relativity. When implementing a List Page Interaction event handler, you can write custom JavaScript code that uses these APIs. They provide you with the ability to access the internal functionality of a list page, and to interact with a Relativity application. For example, the New Item Button API supports customizations to the new item button on a list page, while the Events API provides a service for sending and receiving messages.

See these related pages:

JavaScript structure for event handlers

Review the following guidelines for structuring your JavaScript code used with List Page Interaction event handlers:

  • Implement your custom JavaScript code as an asynchronous module definition (AMD).
  • Use the define() function as illustrated in Initializer API details, and pass a factory function to it.
  • Note that the factory function should return a pointer on the initializer() function.

For sample code, see Initializer API details.

Summary of JavaScript APIs

The following tables briefly described the JavaScript APIs supported by the List Page Interaction event handlers.

Initializer API

The Initializer API contains the initializer() function used to perform any custom initialization steps that you might define, and to initialize objects available through the General APIs. See Initializer API details.

Event-specific APIs

The event-specific APIs support the interaction of event handlers with specific list pages in a Relativity application. These APIs are passed to a registered event handler. For more information, see Event-specific API details.

The following table lists each of the event-specific APIs.

API name Event API description
Page Navigation API listPageChange(pageNavigationAPI) Contains an event that is fired during the navigation of an item list on a page. It includes a service object called pageApi, which is passed to the listPageChange() function.
New Item Button API newItemButtonInit(buttonAPI) Contains an event used to customize the title and behavior of the new item button. It includes a service object called buttonAPI, which passed to the newItemButtonInit() function.
Cell Formatter API cellFormattersInit(cellFormatterApi) Contains an event used to set a custom format for any field. It includes a service object called cellFormatterApi, which is passed to the cellFormattersInit() function.
Data Source Override API dataSourceInit(dataSourceAPI) Contains an event for overriding a default data source used by item list and Pivot widgets. It includes a service object called dataSourceAPI, which is passed to the dataSourceInit() function.
View API viewChange(viewChangeAPI) Contains an event used to monitor changes in the active view or browser. It includes a service object called viewChangeAPI, which is passed to the viewChange() function.
Widget Menu Customization API widgetMenuCreate(widgetMenuAPI) Contains an event used to examine and modify menu items for a widget. It includes a service object called widgetMenuAPI, which is passed to the widgetMenuCreate() function.

General APIs

The general APIs are available to event handlers when the api object is passed as a parameter to a top-level function. These APIs provide services that you can use to customize the behavior and UI for list pages. For more information, see General APIs details.

The following table lists each of the general APIs.

API name Service name API description
Promise API api.promise Used for working with JavaScript promises.
Events API api.eventService Supports sending and receiving messages.
Kepler Provider API api.keplerProviderService Exposes APIs for executing Relativity service requests.
Common Utilities API api.commonUtilities Provides event handlers with access to common utilities services for list pages.
Modal API api.modalService Opens a modal window populated with custom contents.
Toolbar API api.toolbarService Used to show and hide toolbars with custom content and buttons.
CustomWidget API api.customWidgetService Creates a dashboard widget populated with custom contents.

Initializer API details

The Initializer API contains the initializer() function, which takes a single argument, such as the api object, used to access services available in the general APIs. This function returns a object. For more information, see JavaScript structure for event handlers and General APIs details.

The names of the object properties should match the names of the events in the list of Event-specific APIs. Additionally, each property should refer to the implementation of an event handler.

Event-specific API details

The event-specific APIs support the interaction of event handlers with specific list pages in a Relativity application. These APIs are passed to a registered event handler. They can only be used only during the event handler execution.

The Page Navigation API includes functionality used by an event handler to monitor changes to an item list page. The event handler can also use this functionality to prevent page changes if necessary, since an event is fired when the user navigates to another page. The Page Navigation API includes the a service object called pageApi, which is passed to the listPageChange() function.


Name Parameter Return value Description
pageApi.getNavigationInfo() None navigation info object Returns an object describing the current navigation event.
pageApi.abortNavigation(message) message - a string displayed to the user. None Cancels the current navigation and displays an error message.

navigation info object properties

Property Type Description Required
operation string Represents the current page operation:
  • "first" - indicates that the user is navigating to the first page.
  • "previous" - indicates that the user is navigating to the previous page.
  • "next" - indicates that the user is navigating to the next page.
  • "last" - indicates that the user is navigating to the last page.
  • "text" - indicates that the user is navigating to the page containing a newStart item.
  • "pagesize" - indicates that the user is changing the page size to the newPageSize for the number of items.
pageSize number Indicates the current page size. Yes
newPageSize number Indicates the new page size. Yes - only required when the operation is "pagesize".
start number Indicates the current number for the first item on the page. Yes
newStart number Indicates a new number for the first item on the page. Yes

New Item Button API

The New Item Button API includes functionality used by an event handler to customize the new item button at the top of a list page. This event only occurs once during the start up of the list page. The service object called buttonAPI is passed to the newItemButtonInit() function.


Name Parameter Return value Description
buttonApi.getButtons() none array Returns an array of button objects. For more information, see Button object properties.
buttonApi.setButton(button) button - an object describing the new item button. None Adds or replaces the new item button. The button object describes the new button used for this purpose.
buttonApi.setButtons(buttons) buttons - an array of objects describing the buttons. None Adds or replaces the new item button with a drop-down button. The buttons array describes this drop-down button.

Button object properties

Property Type Description Example
text string Represents the button title. "Create new project"
eventName string Represents the name of an event emitted when a button is clicked. "rlh_create_project_click"
eventArgs any Represents any data passed along with an event object. (void 0)

Cell Formatter API

Use the Cell Formatter API to customize the cell for any field by setting a custom formatter. The cell formatter initialization event only occurs during the initialization of the item list before the grid columns are constructed. The service object called formatterApi is passed to an cellFormattersInit() function. You can register any custom formatter for any item list column. However, only one formatter can be registered per column.


Name Parameter Return value Description
formatterApi.fields None array of fields Returns an array of fields.
formatterApi.setFormatter(columnName, formatter) columnName - the name of the column to format.

formatter - the formatter function.
None Sets a formatter for the provided column name. The formatter function should return a string. See Custom formatter function parameters.

Custom formatter function parameters

The following table includes the type and description of the parameters for the formatter function.

Parameter Type Description
defaultValue any Specifies a cell value.
columnOptions object Represents an object with the properties of a column. See View an example showing how to format columns.
rowData object Represents the key/value collection object for row data. For more information, see itemListDataSourceParams object.
api object Represents the Helper api. For more information, see Helper API methods.

Helper API methods

The Helper API methods are passed as an api parameter to the formatter function. See Custom formatter function parameters.

Name Parameter Return value Description
getCellData(defaultValue) defaultValue - any value. A data (or value) in a cell, such as a string for a text field, an array of objects for a multiple choice field, and so on. Returns a cell value. If the value is null, it returns the defaultValue.

Note: A returned string can be malicious HTML, such as '<script>alert("hacked");</script>'. Since the formatter function returns HTML, you can sanitize any string data that is returned with escapeString or other custom solution for this purpose.

getOnClickForModal(modalId) modalId - the identifier for a modal to display. A string (onclick="<js code>") that can be added inside an <a> element. This link opens a created modal when it is clicked. Generates an onclick string for the anchor element. These strings can be added as an attribute of the anchor element. The modalId parameter is the return value of modalService.createModal.
escapeString(str) str - a string. An escaped string Escapes a string that was passed to the method.

Data Source Override API

The Data Source Override API includes functionality used by event handlers to override a default data source for item list and Pivot widgets. This event only occurs once during the start up of the list page. The event handler needs to subscribe to the dataSourceInit event and use the overrideApi to set up a custom data source.

This section contains the following information:

Methods for the Data Source Override API

Name Parameter Return value Description
overrideApi.setItemListDataSource(dataSourceFactory) dataSourceFactory - a factory function for the construction of an ItemList data source. None Sets a custom data source factory function for a ItemList widget.
overrideApi.setPivotDataSource(dataSourceFactory) dataSourceFactory - a factory function for the construction of a Pivot data source. None Sets a custom data source factory function for a Pivot widget.
overrideApi.setObjectFieldDataSource(dataSourceFactory) dataSourceFactory - a factory function for the construction of an ObjectField data source. None Sets a custom data source factory function for an ObjectField widget, such as a single or multiple object picker.

Override an ItemList data source

To override an ItemList data source, pass an ItemList data source factory function to the overrideApi.setItemListDataSource method.

See the following subsections for more information about overriding an ItemList data source:

itemListDataSourceParams object

The itemListDataSourceParams object passed to a factory function contains the properties listed in the following table:

Property Description
workspaceId The ID of the current workspace
artifactType The current Artifact Type ID
folderId The Artifact ID of the current folder
callbacks An object containing callback functions
reportError A function that displays an error message to a user
loggedInUserId The ID of the logged-in user
dataRetrievalServicePath URL
Data source object

The data source factory function should return a data source object. For more information, see Additional information about dataSource objects.

Property Type Description
getData.method function(payload: Object): Promise Performs a query on the server. It passes the payload as a query parameter and returns a promise that resolves into query results.
inboundTransformer.method function(data: Object): Object Transforms a query result from the server format to the ItemList format, if required.
outboundTransformer.method function(payload: Object): Object Transforms query parameters from the ItemList format to the server format, if required.
Property Parameter Return value Description
getData.method function(payload: Object) Promise Performs a query on the server. It passes the payload as a query parameter and returns a promise that resolves into query results.
inboundTransformer.method function(data: Object) Object Transforms a query result from the server format to the ItemList format, if required.
outboundTransformer.method function(payload: Object) Object Transforms query parameters from the ItemList format to the server format, if required.
ItemList data source request

The following table lists the properties of a payload object for the outbound translation of an ItemList data source.

Property Type Description Required
startIndex int The index of the first item to fetch Yes
pageSize int The number of items to fetch Yes
fields array of strings An array of Field names Yes
sorts array of strings The sort order for the fields, as ascending or descending. For example, use ["FIELD1 ASC", "FIELD2 DESC"]. Yes
activeRowId int The identifier for a highlighted row Optional
filter object A Filter object - see Filter object. Yes
Filter object

A Filter object contains information about the filters and conditions currently applied to an item list. The Filter object exposes the following API:

Name Parameter Return value Description
getTreeNames() None object An object with available tree names - see View an example of an object with available tree names.
getFullTree([string]) array of strings object Returns a FilterTree object - see FilterTree object .
FilterTree object

A FilterTree object exposes a method for getting the active filter conditions currently applied to a field.

Name Parameter Return value Description
getAllOperands() None array of objects Returns array of FieldFilter objects - see FieldFilter object.
FieldFilter object

A FieldFilter object describes conditions applied to a given field.

Field Type Description Required
field string The name of a field Yes
conditions array of object An array of Condition objects Yes
isMultiSelectTextFilter bool A Boolean value indicating if the filter is used for selecting multiple options. Optional
Condition object

A Condition object describes a single condition for a given field.

Field Type Description Required
operation string The name of the operation Yes
value any A value associated with a condition Optional

ItemList response

The inbound translator for data source should return a correctly formatted Result object, so that the list view can render the data.

See the following subsections for more information about an ItemList response:

Result object
Property Type Description Required
currentMaxItemIndex int The index for the maximum number of items Yes
currentMinItemIndex int The index for the minimum number of items Yes
grandTotalItems int The total number of items Yes
items array of objects An array of DataRow objects - see DataRow object. Yes
DataRow object

Each DataRow object describes one fetched data row.

Property Type Description Required
fieldData object A FieldData object - see FieldData object. Yes
FieldData object
Property Type Description Required
Artifact ID int The Artifact ID of the current item, such as a document Yes
compareImgSrc string A URL link to an image. It is used to construct the icon field type for the Compare field. Generated
compareUrl string A URL link into the compare service. It is used for static text or icon field formatters. Generated
downloadUrl string A URL link for downloading an item. It is used for the static text. Generated
editPermission bool Indicates whether the user has edit permissions on this item. Optional
editUrl string A URL link for editing an item. It is used for static text field formatters. Generated
fileIconImgSrc string A URL link to an image. It is used to construct the icon field type for the File Icon field. Generated
fileIconMetadata object A FileIconMetadata object - see FileIconMetadata object. Yes
relativityCompareMetadata object A CompareMetadata object - CompareMetadata object Yes
runScriptPermission bool Indicates whether the user has permissions to run a script. Optional
securityImgSrc string A URL link to an image. It is used to construct icon field type for the Security field. Generated
securityMetadata object A SecurityMetadata object - see SecurityMetadata object. Yes
securityUrl string A URL link for changing item Security. It is used for static text field formatters. Generated
viewUrl string A URL link for viewing item metadata. It is used for static text field formatters. Generated
viewerPopupLinkUrl string A URL link for the pop - up viewer. Generated
editMetadata object An EditMetadata object - EditMetadata object. Yes
rowAttr object A RowAttr object - RowAttr object. Optional
<field-name> Determine by data type Field values - see Field values. Properties should exist with the same names as the fields, even if the field value is null. The property is required, but the value isn't.  
FileIconMetadata object

The FileIconMetadata object describes a file icon.

Property Type Example
anchor object string "file_icon_<row-artifact-id>"
anchor.title string "Open Stand-Alone Viewer"
anchor.class string "tabableListLink
enableRedirect bool FALSE
features string "height=1160,width=1920,location=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes"
img object  
img.alt string "Open Stand-Alone Viewer"
permission bool TRUE
windowName string "StandAloneViewer"
CompareMetadata object
Property Type Example
anchor object string "relativity_compare_<row-artifact-id>"
anchor.title string "Compare Document"
img object  
img.alt string "Compare Document"
permission bool TRUE
SecurityMetadata object
Property Type Example
anchor object string "security_popup_<row-artifact-id>"
anchor.title string "Change Security Permissions"
anchor.class string "tabableListLink
img object  
img.alt string "Locked"
permission bool TRUE
childrenCallback function  
EditMetadata object
Property Type Example
features string "height=385,width=360,location=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes"
windowName string "batchReview"
enableRedirect bool FALSE
RunScriptMetadata object
Property Type Example
features string "height=604,width=882,location=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes"
windowName string "runScriptWindow"
enableRedirect bool FALSE
RowAttr object
Property Type Description
class string Use the string "group-end" to set the current document as the last item in a group.
Field values

Process field values according to their data type as illustrated in the following table:

Field type Value Supports multi-reflected fields
FixedLengthText value Yes
WholeNumber value Yes
LongText value Yes
Decimal value Yes
Currency value Yes
Date value Yes
YesNo value Yes
  "Artifact ID": <artifact-id>,
  "Full Name": "<user-name>"
  "Artifact ID": <artifact-id>,
  "Name": "<text-value>"
  "Artifact ID": <artifact-id>,
  "Relativity Text Identifier": "<text-value>"
  "Artifact ID": <artifact-id>,
  "Name": "<text-value>"
  "Artifact ID": <artifact-id>,
  "Relativity Text Identifier": "<text-value>"
File "<filename>" No
Security value No

Override a Pivot data source

To override a Pivot data source, pass Pivot data source factory function to the overrideApi.setPivotDataSource method.

See the following subsections for more information about overriding a Pivot data source:

pivotDataSourceParams object

The pivotDataSourceParams object is passed to a factory function. This object contains the following properties:

Property Description
workspaceId The ID of the current workspace
artifactTypeId The current Artifact Type ID
parameters Pivot parameters, pivot-type-specific
parameters.groupByField An object that describes a GROUP BY field
parameters.pivotOnField An object that describes a Pivot field
parameters.pivotProfile An object that describes a Pivot profile
fieldCollectionMetaData An array of available item list fields
callbacks Callbacks
reportError A function that displays an error message to a user
dataAggregationServicePath URL
Data source object

The data source factory function should return a data source object. This object contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
getData.method function(payload: Object): Promise Performs a query on the server. It passes the payload as a query parameter and returns a promise that resolves into query results.
inboundTransformer.method function(data: Object): Object Transforms a query result from the server format to the Pivot format, if required.
outboundTransformer.method function(data: Object): Promise Transforms query parameters from the Pivot format to the server format, if required.
Property Parameter Return value Description
getData.method function(payload: Object) Promise Performs a query on the server. It passes the payload as a query parameter and returns a promise that resolves into query results.
inboundTransformer.method function(data: Object) Object Transforms a query result from the server format to the Pivot format, if required.
outboundTransformer.method function(data: Object) Promise Transforms query parameters from the Pivot format to the server format, if required.
Pivot request

Pivot widget queries a Pivot data source with the following payload object:

Property Type Description Required
filter object A Filter object - see Filter object. Yes
Filter object

The Filter object for Pivot is the same as the object for the ItemList. see Filter object.

Pivot response

Pivot data source should return an array of objects, one for each pivot element, as illustrated in the following table:

Property Type Description Required
id string An identifier Yes
idNormalized string Contains the string for the groupBy field value. If the groupBy field value is a date type, it should contain the ISO date string. Yes
keyOrderLookup array of string The keys for an item, such as ["case 1", "case 2", "(blank)", "Grand Total"] Yes
label string A text label Yes
objectIdMap object The key/value collection for mapping column values. Yes
value object A map of keys to values for an item, such as {"case 1": 13, "case 2": 1, "(blank)": 4, "Grand Total": 18} Yes

Override an ObjectField data source

Single and multiple object picker widgets use ObjectField data sources. To override an ObjectField data source, pass the factory function to the overrideApi.setObjectFieldDataSource method.

objectFieldDataSourceParams object

The objectFieldDataSourceParams object passed to a factory function has the same structure and data as itemListDataSourceParams object. See itemListDataSourceParams object.

View API

The View API includes functionality that provides an event handler with information when the active view or browser has changed. The event handler needs to subscribe to the viewChange event and the inspecting event data. The changeView event occurs any time the view is modified or when a saved search is selected.

Event data object

Property Type Description Example
viewId integer The ID of currently active view 1003684
viewLabel string The name or label for the currently active view "Documents"
browser string The name of the current browser. Currently, this property can be set to one of these values: folder, savedSearch, savedSearchExecute, cluster, fieldTree, or default. "savedSearch"

Widget Menu Customization API

The Widget Menu Customization API provides functionality that provides an event handler with the ability to examine and modify menu items for a widget. The event handler needs to subscribe to the widgetMenuCreate event to receive notifications about changes to the widget menu. This event occurs when retrieving metadata for a new widget.

menuApi object

The menuApi object exposes the following methods:

Name Parameter Return value Description
menuApi.getWidgetTypeName() None a string indicating a widget type name Returns the type name of the widget that triggered the notification:
  • "pivotWgt" for Pivot
  • "fluidItemListWgt" for item list
  • "clusterWgt" for cluster
menuApi.getWidgetMenu() None array of menu items Returns menu items that are currently set for this widget. See the following example:
  title: "Properties",
  items: [{
    title: "Edit",
    visible: true,
    css: "link",
    icon: "edit",
    onClick: function() { ... }
menuApi.setWidgetMenu(menu) menu - an array of menu categories None Sets passed menu items for a current widget.

General APIs details

The general APIs are available to event handlers when the api object is passed as a parameter to a top-level function. These APIs provide services that you can use to customize the behavior and UI for list pages.

Initialization information

This section includes a code sample for the initializer() function and field descriptions for the api object passed to this function.

initializer(api) function

The following code sample illustrates how the api object is passed to the initializer() function.

function initializer(api) {
  return {
    cellFormattersInit: cellFormattingHandlerFunction

api object properties

The following table lists the properties on the api object:

Field Description
promise Represents a service for working with JavaScript promises.
eventService Represents a service for listening and emitting messages.
dataSourceService Represents a service for making requests to the Relativity server.
inboundTranslationService Represents a service for accessing all predefined inbound translators.
outboundTranslationService Represents a service for accessing all predefined outbound translators. This service may be useful when implementing a custom data source.
keplerProviderService Represents a service for creating custom data sources.
commonUtilities Represents the common utilities service.
modalService Represents a service for creating and populating custom modal windows.
toolbarService Represents a service for showing and displaying custom toolbars.
startupInfo Represents an object containing information obtained from a listPageStartupInformation call.
customWidgetService Represents a service for creating a dashboard widget populated with custom contents.

startup info object

The startup info object contains the following information obtained from a listPageStartupInformation call. For more information, see the startupInfo field in api object properties.

Field Type Description
isDocumentListPage boolean Set to true if the page is a list page. Otherwise, it is set to false.
workspaceId integer Set to the ID of the currently active workspace.

Promise API

The Promise API (api.promise) is a service for working with promises.


Name Parameter Return value Description
api.promise.defer() None None Creates a deferred object with a promise, and the methods needed to resolve or reject it.
deferred.resolve(value) value - resolves the promise. None Resolves the promise with the value passed as an argument.
deferred.reject(reason) reason - explanation for rejection of a promise. None Rejects the promise with the reason passed as an argument.
deferred.promise None promise Represents a property that returns the current promise.
promise.then(successCallback, [errorCallback]) successCall back - a function executed when the promise is resolved.

[errorCallback] - a function executed when the promise is rejected.
None Creates a continuation on a current promise. The successCallback() function is executed when a promise is resolved, and the errorCallback() function is executed when a promise is rejected.
promise.catch(callback) callback -a function that returns a promise. promise Provides shorthand method for the promise.then(null, callback) method.

Events API

Events API (api.eventService) is a service for sending and receiving messages.


Name Parameter Return value Description
api.eventService.subscribe(eventName, eventHandler) eventName - a string indicating the name of an event .

eventHandler - the function(event, payload), which is a callback function.
uid - the ID of an event handler. Registers an eventHandler callback function so it receives the occurrences of the eventName event.
api.eventService.unsubscribe(uid) uid - the ID of an event handler. None Unregisters a previously registered callback.
api.eventService.emit(eventName, payload, ...) eventName - a string indicating the name of an event to emit.

payload... - arbitrary data to pass to an event handler.
None Emits the eventName event with payload data.

Kepler Provider API

Kepler Provider API (api.keplerProviderService) exposes APIs for executing Relativity service requests.

Field Description
api.keplerProviderService.KeplerProxy An object used for setting up the connection to Relativity service endpoint.
api.keplerProviderService.callLRP Sends Relativity service requests to the server.

Common Utilities API

Common Utilities API (api.commonUtilities) provides event handlers with the ability to access ListPage common utilities services.

The following table lists these services:

Field Description
api.commonUtilities.commonConstantsAndObjects Exposes common constants and enums, such as permission type IDs, Artifact Type IDs, well-known GUIDs, and others.
var fieldTypeId = 
api.commonUtilities.HrefFactory Represents the class used for generating URLs for document create, view, edit, and other operations. It is useful when implementing custom data sources.
var href = 
api.commonUtilities.applicationPaths Exposes APIs for getting URL paths for Relativity, service endpoints, and other purposes.
keplerPath = 

Modal API

Modal API (api.modalService) provides functionality used by an event handler to open a modal window populated it with custom contents.


Name Parameter Return value Description
api.modalService.createModal(content) content - an object describing custom content. integer Creates a modal windows described by a content object and returns an integer representing a modal ID.
api.modalService.showModal(modalId) modalId - an integer used to identify a modal window. None Displays a modal window previously created by the createModal() method.
api.modalService.hideModal(id) id - an identifier returned by the createModal() method. None Closes modal window.
api.modalService.destroyModal(id) id - an identifier returned by the createModal() method. None Destroys a modal windows and frees resources.

content object properties

Property Type Description Example
title string The title of a modal window "Create New Project"
modalClass string The class of a modal widget "rlh-new-rdo-dialog"
modalName string The name of a modal widget "rlhRdoModalDialog"
template string The custom HTML contents of a modal window "<span>Some sample text</span>"
buttons array of object The buttons in the bottom part of a modal. For each button object, specify name and eventName fields.
    name: "Apply",
    eventName: "apply_click"
    name: "Cancel",
    eventName: "cancel_click"
init function An initialization callback that is called after compiling a widget and adding it to the DOM. Add internal logic to this function, such as button onClick handlers, data sources, and other operations. The init function takes the following parameters:
  • scope - an angular scope of a widget
  • el - a compiled DOM element
  • ctrl - an angular controller of a widget
function(scope, el, ctrl) {
    // Initialization 

Toolbar API

Toolbar API (api.toolbarService) provides functionality used by event handlers to show and hide toolbars with custom content and buttons.


Name Parameter Return value Description
api.toolbarService.createToolbar(content) content - an object describing custom content. integer Creates a toolbar described by content object and returns an integer representing a toolbarID.
api.toolbarService.showToolbar(toolbarId) toolbarId - an identifier for the created toolbar. None Displays toolbar previously created by createToolbar() method.
api.toolbarService.hideToolbar(toolbarId) toolbarId - an identifier for the created toolbar. None Hides the toolbar that is currently displayed.

content object properties

Property Type Description Required
toolbarClass string The class of the toolbar "review-queue-access"
template string The custom HTML contents of a toolbar "<span>Some sample text</span>"
buttons array of object Buttons in the bottom part of a modal. For each button object, specify the name and eventName fields.
    name: "Apply",
    eventName: "apply_click"
    name: "Cancel",
    eventName: "cancel_click"
init function An initialization callback that is called after compiling a widget and adding it to the DOM. Add internal logic to this function, such as button onClick handlers, data sources, and other operations. The init function takes the following parameters:
  • scope - an angular scope of a widget
  • el - a compiled DOM element
  • ctrl - an angular controller of a widget
function(scope, el, ctrl) {
    // Initialization 

CustomWidget API

CustomWidget API (api.customWidgetService) provides functionality used by an event handler to create a dashboard widget populated with custom contents.


Name Parameter Return value Description
api.customWidgetService.createWidget(content) content - an object describing a widget. integer Creates and displays a dashboard widget described by the content object and returns an integer representing a widget ID. The created widget won't be persisted or saved with the dashboard.
api.customWidgetService.removeWidget(widgetId) widgetId - an integer retrieved from createWidget() method. None Removes and destroys a dashboard widget.
api.customWidgetService.isWidgetExists(widgetId) widgetId - an integer retrieved from createWidget() method. boolean Returns true if the widget exists on the dashboard. Otherwise, it returns false.

content object properties

Property Type Description Example
template string The custom HTML contents of a widget
"<div><div ng-repeat=\"row in resultSet\">{{row}}


sizeX integer The initial widget width in columns count. The default value is 5.  
sizeY integer The initial widget height in rows count. The default value is 18.  
title string The widget title  
enableMaximize bool Enables or disables the ability to maximize a menu item of a widget. The default value is false.  
enableRemove bool Indicates whether to enable or disable the removal of a menu item in the widget. The default value is false.  
enableMenu bool Indicates whether the widget menu is enabled or disabled. The default value is false.  
init function An initialization callback that is called after compiling a widget and adding it to the DOM. Add internal logic to this function, such as button onClick handlers, data sources, and other operations. The init function takes customWidgetManager parameter. This parameter is an object of the type EventHandlersCustomWidgetManager, which provides the API with access to the scope, element, and controller.
function(customWidgetManager) {
    // Initialization 
dataSource object A DataSource object used to retrieve a widget data. This property is optional.
    getData: {
        method: referenceToGetDataFunction
    inboundTransformer: (void 0),
    outboundTransformer: {
        method: referenceToYourOutboundTransformerFunction

EventHandlersCustomWidgetManager object properties

Property Type Return value Description
scope property object Returns an AngularJS scope object for the created directive.
element property object Returns a JQLite wrapped element for the widget.
ctrl property object Returns an instance of the controller assigned to the widget directive.
errorTypes property TBD Returns an object with error types constants. See the following list of errorTypes:
{ NO_DATA: 1,
  SERVER: 4,
  CANCEL: 5 }
showMessage(messageObject) method None Displays a message as a content of the widget by overlapping other content. See the following example of a messageObject:
{ message: data.Message,
  type: widgetManager.errorTypes.SERVER,
  icon: data.messageIcon || widgetManager.canceledIcon,
  messageType: "error",
  hideContent: false }
clearMessage() method None Clears a message.
hideLoading() method None Hides a loading spinner.

Additional information about dataSource objects

The dataSource object is part of the metadate information required when registering a widget that has an event manager. The following code outlines the general structure of the dataSource metadata:

dataSource: {
    getData: {
        method: referenceToGetDataFunction
    // Optional callback
    onSuccess: {
        method: referenceToSuccessfulDataRetrievalFunction
    // Optional callback
    onFailure: {
        method: referenceToApplicationErrorHandlingFunction
    inboundTransformer: {
        // The following line of code  is optional, but the inboundTransformer object is required.
        method: referenceToYourInboundTransformerFunction 
    outboundTransformer: {
        // This following line of code is optional, but the outboundTransformer object is required.
        method: referenceToYourOutboundTransformerFunction 


An inbound transformer converts incoming data returned from a dataSource. It is an optional entity for a dataSource. However, an inbound transformer must meet the following requirements when it is used:

  • It must be a single synchronous function.
  • It must convert the data payload returned from a dataSource into a form acceptable to the widget being populated.

Since a transformation is specific to the interfaces and return values exposed in the APIs for a data source, the following code illustrates a general example of an inbound transformer.

dataSource: {
   inboundTransformer: {
   // The following line of code is the only optional one.
    method: referenceToYourTransformerFunction  


An outbound transformer converts a data payload into a form acceptable to a dataSource. It is an optional entity for a dataSource. However, an outbound transformer must meet the following requirements when it is used:

  • The method for the outbound transformer must be a single function.
  • The outbound transformer must expect a single, plain JavaScript object.
  • It must output a promise or data in a form expected by a specific dataSource.

Since a transformation is specific to the interfaces and return values exposed in the APIs for a data source, the following code illustrates a general example of outbound transformer metadata.

dataSource: {
   outboundTransformer: {
    // The following line of code is the only optional one. It may be either a sync method or a promise generator.
    method: referenceToYourTransformerFunction