Notifications (REST)

The Notifications Service is used to send email notifications through Relativity. The service uses internal Relativity's SMTP client , which is configured in Instance Settings. Review the topic Using the Notifications Service for important considerations on interacting with the service.

This service resides at the following URL:


Code Samples

To send a notification, issue a POST request with a URL in the following format:

Sample JSON Request Body (note invalid email in recipients)
    "request": {
        "recipients":["", ""],
        "subject": "Email Notification Test",
        "body": "Body of the email."
Sample JSON Response
    "EmailNotifications": [
            "Recipient": "",
            "IsSent": true,
            "Message": "Email has been sent."
            "Recipient": "",
            "IsSent": false,
            "Message": "Recipient's or sender's email format is invalid.\" FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address."